September 29th
TimeNorth FieldSouth Field
11:00 AMChubby Unicorns vs. Cavaliers
12:00 PMGB Stars vs. Chubby Unicorns
1:00 PMGB Stars vs. Cavaliers
October 6th
TimeNorth FieldSouth Field
11:00 AMDouglas vs. Arcade GoldChubby Unicorns JV vs. Arrowhead JV
12:00 PMDouglas vs. Chuby Unicorns JVArcade Gold vs. Arrowhead JV
1:00 PMTNT vs. Arcade RedRyquin vs. Arrowhead
2:00 PMTNT vs. RyquinArcade Red vs. Arrowhead
October 13th
TimeNorth FieldSouth Field
11:00 AMDouglas vs. Arrowhead JVChubby Unicorns JV vs. Arcade Gold
12:00 PMDouglas vs. Arcade GoldChubby Unicorns JV vs. Arrowhead JV
1:00 PMGB Stars vs. RyquinArcade Red vs. Blue Devils
2:00 PMGB Stars vs. Arcade RedRyquin vs. Cavaliers
October 20th
TimeNorth FieldSouth Field
11:00 AMChubby Unicorns V vs. ArrowheadRyquin vs. Blue Devils
12:00 PMChubby Unicorns V vs. RyquinArrowhead vs. Blue Devils
October 27th
TimeNorth FieldSouth Field
11:00 AMChubby Unicorns V vs. Arcade RedBlue Devils vs. Cavaliers
12:00 PMChubby Unicorns V vs. Blue DevilsArcade Red vs. Cavaliers
November 3rd
TimeNorth FieldSouth Field
11:00 AMDouglas vs. Arcade GoldChubby Unicorns JV vs. Arrowhead JV
12:00 PMDouglas vs. Chuby Unicorns JVArcade Gold vs. Arrowhead JV
1:00 PMCavaliers vs. ArrowheadGB Stars vs. Blue Devils
2:00 PMCavaliers vs. GB StarsArrowhead vs. Blue Devils

 Double headers will be scheduled on 3 of the season weekends for a total of 6 games plus the season ending tournament on November 12th.

Weekly league games | End of season tournament | Certified officials | Medical trainer 

Sunday, November 10th


Each team will play 3 games in a championship style format.